Why Bird Flu Doesn’t Affect Small Farmers

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August 3, 2024


Raymond here, your friendly homesteading neighbor. I hope this email finds you well! 

Have you noticed the chicken shortage at the grocery store lately? It’s a puzzler, but not for us here at Hobby Ag. Let me tell you why.

You see, while Bird Flu has been causing havoc on large, conventional farms, our chickens are happily clucking away, unaffected. The secret? It’s all about their lifestyle.

Our birds live the good life—they are moved daily to fresh grass in their Alumi-Coops, soaking up the sun and enjoying plenty of space to strut their stuff. None of those cramped quarters or unnatural diets you find elsewhere. Conventional farms create an environment where diseases like Bird Flu can spread easily. Instead of relying on vaccinations, we focus on natural, sustainable practices that boost their immune systems and keep them healthy naturally, such as providing a stress-free environment, offering a balanced diet, allowing them to forage freely, and giving them access to fresh air and sunshine.

When discussing poultry health, it's worth noting that while bird flu often grabs headlines, Marek's disease is actually a more common affliction. Vaccination for Marek's disease has become so widespread that finding unvaccinated chicks is increasingly difficult. Nonetheless, one study has found that vaccinated hens can unknowingly pass the virus to their chicks, despite showing no symptoms themselves. That’s why we made the decision not to vaccinate our flock against Marek's disease. By steering clear of vaccinations, we’re reducing these risks and maintaining a healthier environment for our chickens. While other farms may claim to be vaccine-free, this might only be partially true, as their birds could have been vaccinated previously. Fear not! At Hobby Ag, all of our chicks & hens are truly 100% vaccine-free!

At Hobby Ag, transparency and quality are our top priorities. Our chickens aren’t just free from the stresses of conventional farming—they’re raised with care to be the healthiest they can be. When you bite into our pasture-raised, non-vaccinated, GMO-free chicken, you’ll taste the difference that happy, healthy birds make. Now this is deluxe chicken!

Stay informed, stay healthy.


Hobby Ag

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